Final Presentation

We managed to get ‘finished’ for the final presentation and were the only team to do so. Getting ALL of our animation and rendering done to a satisfactory standard… before going on to make small changes for the hand-in on the 14th May 2018.



In this we were given the chance to demonstrate our the progress from the year and our current progress to the lectures and to the class for the last time. We were really proud of being able to show something that could be considered done and we really appreciated the round of applause. The feedback we got was mainly positive, though Alec, Mike and Helen were all able to give us some really good advice for how we could go on to better the movie which we appreciated as well and which we would heed…


We talked about changed we knew we wanted to make ourselves and talked about the intentions we had of taking on the feedback we would get from this presentation and how we would incorporate it into our completed version.  



We talked about changes we had made to our previous version of the film. 



We gave a brief comparison of the finished version and the first animatic, talking about the major development in narration  



We spoke about our mission statement.

  • We talked about our consistency in design.
  • We mentioned our intention to keep the idea simple, as we knew our own levels and although we planned to push ourselves and learn this year we also wanted to be realistic and plan a project that would be doable in the time frame we had.
  • We pushed the fact we were the only team to meet the deadline which was this presentation as we though it demonstrated how hard we both have worked and how we were able to managed our project and time efficiently.
  • We also pushed the fact we did it ourselves with no outside help from other classes etc. with the exception of some rigging help from Blayne and Alec.




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